Asbury Seminary-GMC Grant Application

Work Entry


Church Information

Grant Request

Please Submit a Document with the Following Information:
A. Describe your project in detail (300-500 words).
B. Proposed Use of Funding:
 1. How specifically will grant funds be utilized in this church? Please be detailed. (Pastor salary, building expenses, meals, etc.)
 2. Do you currently use funds in this area of the church? If yes, how much money do you currently use in this area? How will increasing the budget change outcomes?
C. How will this project reach your community and result in church growth? In other words, what are the anticipated outcomes from the project related to church growth? (300-500 words).
 -What is the rationale for this approach? (100-300 words).
D. What training in church multiplication have you received? List specific programs, coaching, or certificates received. If none, are you willing to work with with a church-planting coach during the course of this project?
E. How will you assess the effectiveness of this funded project? Please provide specific metrics (i.e., “we will know we have reached our goal for this project when attendance has reached ___” or “when we have baptized ___ persons”).





We will request a one-year report to include at least the following:
- How were grant monies were spent - actuals vs planned? (Be specific, and provide documentation)
- What tangible impact on church growth and multiplication occurred from this project?
